
Welsh logo for the 'Beat' charity. Purple writing on a light grey backgroundAs a part of Eating Disorder Awareness Week (EDAW) we are opening the conversation on eating disorders and challenging the misunderstandings of what eating disorders are and who gets them on 2nd March 2022.

In this event, you will hear of the various myths and facts about eating disorders, as well as the signs and symptoms that might arise. We will hear from Jo Whitfield, the National Officer in Wales for Beat, who will give insight into the current reality of eating disorders in the UK.

We will also here from Zoe John, a Beat ambassador, who tells of her own story of eating disorder recovery. The event aims to inform but importantly, it aims to bring hope to those who might be affected by an eating disorder, and where to get help if needed.

Register here.

Jo Whitfield is the National Officer in Wales for Beat, the eating disorder support charity, and has worked for Beat since August 2017. Jo works closely with stakeholders across Wales to help deliver Beat’s mission to end the pain and suffering caused by eating disorders.

Zoe has been a Beat ambassador since 2016 and shares her story of suffering and recovery from eating disorders including bulimia and binge eating disorder. Over the years, she has told her story through poetry readings, presentations, and documentaries including BBC3’s ‘Amazing Humans’. Finding recovery through sport and having represented Wales and Great Britain in two different sports, Zoe’s story emphasises that truly anything is possible when you recover. It is never too late.

Twitter: @BeatED_Wales[:cy]

Welsh logo for the 'Beat' charity. Purple writing on a light grey backgroundFel rhan o Wythnos Ymwybyddiaeth Anhwylderau Bwyta (EDAW) rydym yn agor y sgwrs ar anhwylderau bwyta ac yn herio’r camddealltwriaeth o beth yw anhwylderau bwyta a phwy sy’n eu cael.

Yn y digwyddiad hwn, byddwch yn clywed am y gwahanol fythau a ffeithiau am anhwylderau bwyta, yn ogystal â’r arwyddion a’r symptomau a allai godi. Byddwn yn clywed gan Jo Whitfield, Swyddog Cenedlaethol Cymru ar gyfer Beat, a fydd yn rhoi cipolwg ar realiti presennol anhwylderau bwyta yn y DU ar yl 2il of Fawrth.

Byddwn hefyd yma gan Zoe John, llysgennad Beat, sy’n adrodd am ei stori ei hun am adfer anhwylder bwyta. Nod y digwyddiad yw llywio, ond yn bwysig, ei nod yw dod â gobaith i’r rhai y gallai anhwylder bwyta effeithio arnynt, a ble i gael help os oes angen.

Cofrestrwch yma.

Jo Whitfield yw Swyddog Cenedlaethol Cymru ar gyfer Beat, yr elusen cymorth anhwylder bwyta, ac mae wedi gweithio i Beat ers mis Awst 2017. Mae Jo yn gweithio’n agos gyda rhanddeiliaid ledled Cymru i helpu i gyflawni cenhadaeth Beat i roi terfyn ar y boen a’r dioddefaint a achosir gan anhwylderau bwyta.

Mae Zoe wedi bod yn llysgennad Beat ers 2016 ac mae’n rhannu ei stori am ddioddefaint ac adferiad o anhwylderau bwyta gan gynnwys bwlimia ac anhwylder bwyta goryfed. Dros y blynyddoedd, mae hi wedi adrodd ei stori drwy ddarlleniadau barddoniaeth, cyflwyniadau a rhaglenni dogfen gan gynnwys ‘Amazing Humans’ BBC3. Wrth ddod o hyd i adferiad drwy chwaraeon ac ar ôl cynrychioli Cymru a Phrydain Fawr mewn dwy gamp wahanol, mae stori Zoe yn pwysleisio bod gwir unrhyw beth yn bosibl pan fyddwch yn gwella. Nid yw byth yn rhy hwyr.

Twitter: @BeatED_Wales[:]