[:en]Series of images showing solar cells in production and on buildingsThursday, 21st October | 11:00am – 11:45am GMT on Zoom
Buildings account for around 40% of global carbon emissions. Solar cell technology integrated with the built environment offers an opportunity to make a significant difference to our future.
At SPECIFIC, we’ve been looking at the challenges of using available building integrated photovoltaic (BIPV) solutions, while also researching emerging BIPV solutions for tomorrow.
Join Professor Trystan Watson for a 10min overview of our research on emerging non silicon PV technologies. Then Dr Richard Lewis will lead us through 10mins of the complexities and considerations of connecting BIPV to buildings. There will be 20mins after for any questions.
This webinar is aimed at researchers, built environment professionals and anyone with an interest in solar energy and its applications.
The event will be hosted by Joanna Clarke, Design Manager for SPECIFIC IKC.
We hope to see you there!
Sign up for the webinar[:cy]Series of images showing solar cells in production and on buildingsDydd Iau, 21 Hydref | 11:00 – 11:45 GMT ar Zoom
Mae adeiladau’n gyfrifol am tua 40% o allyriadau carbon yn fyd-eang. Mae technoleg celloedd solar, wedi’i hintegreiddio yn yr amgylchedd adeiledig, yn cynnig cyfle i wneud gwahaniaeth sylweddol i’n dyfodol.
Yn SPECIFIC, rydym wedi bod yn astudio’r heriau sydd ynghlwm wrth ddefnyddio technoleg ffotofoltäig wedi’i  hintegreiddio mewn adeiladau, gan hefyd ymchwilio i’r atebion sy’n cael eu datblygu yn y maes hwn ar gyfer yfory.
Bydd yr Athro Trystan Watson yn rhoi trosolwg 10 munud o’n hymchwil i dechnolegau ffotofoltäig nad ydynt yn silicon sy’n cael eu datblygu. Bydd Dr Richard Lewis yn ein tywys drwy 10 munud o’r cymhlethdodau a’r ystyriaethau sydd ynghlwm wrth integreiddio technoleg ffotofoltäig mewn adeiladau. Bydd sesiwn holi ac ateb 20 munud.
Gallwch gofrestru yma[:]